Crap Fitness Content

Pay attention to this fitness information.

The internet is amazing but you have to be careful with its content.

I dedicated this morning to creating content on the Google search and within less than 5 minutes I found a lot of crap fitness content.

You are not a fitness expert to spot wrong techniques, repetitive information, or fake miraculous fitness routines. 

Here are some fitness tips on how to stay safe and injury free:

  1. Always warm-up and always practice a cool down as well.
  2. Pay attention to your mental and physical body.
  3. If injured, find medical advice and don’t practice any form of exercise with heavy weights.
  4. Try different types of training and stick with what works for you.
  5. Practice each transition phase of the exercise with proper form and technique.
  6. Check your training gear for example maybe your shoes are not the correct type of running shoes.
  7. Take it easy on warm days and stay hydrated even when not exercising.
  8. Beware that the internet is full of unqualified and wrong fitness advice. 

Listen up, I’m MJ and here to help you with fitness tips. Be good!

V4: Vlogging with Personal Trainer MJ

Has your local gym got back from the Covid-19 lockdown already?

I train at Super Fit and it’s just business as usual but there are some health and safety securities going on which is completely understandable.

Stay safe while training in closed spaces and don’t forget to increase your hygiene levels.

Wishing you a lovely week.

Fitness Results

In order to gain fitness results and keep them for the rest of your life, you must find an enjoyable daily long-term cooking strategy that is practical, nutritions, easy to cook, exciting and most important, the diet should suit your living habits and lifestyle. 

A lot of people engage in restrict diet programs when the reality is that a naturally made plant-based diet, with basic supplements on the side of it, is all what you need to gain amazing fitness results.

Remember to add consistency to the fitness equation. There will be times when your body will try to fail you but you have to keep on pushing through it even though it feels unbearable at times. If you rest two days a week and have planned to practice fitness 4 to 5 times a week, you must stick with it because you have already rested, get it going with the preparations and fitness routine even though you may be feeling a bit lazy or sore.

Important fitness notice:

  1. You won’t be able to change your eating habits overnight. If your goal is to become a vegan, make sure that you implement more plant-based ingredients into your diet. Focus on being sustainable and conscious with this process because the entire preparation and cooking process will add in purpose into your life. 
  2. Practice fitness but don’t forget about developing your cardiovascular system as well. Cardio training such as running, cycling, swimming and inline skating, are important in terms of increasing your overall fitness levels.
  3. No excuses if you don’t have a lot of time to exercise, keep yourself active by cycling to work, using staircases and walk as much as you can.
  4. Don’t ever look back, keep the changes you gained and say goodbye to your older version. Sometimes you have to distance yourself from people or situations that will try to make you go back to your older life. Remember that you are in control of the situation and your goal is to be at the best shape of your life.

Put in the effort, write notes and plan to keep the health & fitness changes you want to make in your life